Text and Text – Text and Picture – Text and Music
International Doctoral Student Conference, Szeged, September 19-20th, 2014
Edited by Katalin Kürtösi (Szeged). Peer Reviews by Thomas Bremer (Halle) and Petr Kylousek (Brno).
Logo designed by: Miklós Veres (Szeged). Technical Editor: Enikő Mészáros (Szeged).
(Szövegek között – Among Texts 21. 2016)
- Katalin Kürtösi: Editor’s Preface to the Volume on Text and Text/Picture/Music
- Johanna Domokos: Liminality in Nils-Aslak Valkeapää’s play Ridn’oaivi ja nieguid oaidni (The Frost-Haired One and the Dream-Seer)
- Barbara Dudás: Double Game – Text as an Artistic Strategy
- Andrea Jacková: Musica e pittura nel Decameron e ispirate dal Decameron
- Ágnes Kanizsai: War of the Arthurian Worlds
- Richárd Kosinsky: Textuality of sculptures. Reading György Jovánovics
- Katalin Kürtösi: A „king of/black predictions”1 – Leonard Cohen, the (post)modern bard
- Gudrun Lőrincz: Mediale Grenzüberquerungen. Collagen in der Literatur
- Noémi Ótott: ’Siete voi qui, ser Brunetto?’ – Brunetto Latini, autore e protagonista
- Hana Rozlozsniková: Texte et image: L’imagination et images matérielles, dynamiques dans les écrits de Rina Lasnier
- Petra Stražovská: Metaphors in the Narrator’s Speech in Novels by Michel Noël
- Jan Střítecký: ¿Intelectuales latinoamericanos perdidos en el desierto académico estadounidense? Tres textos, dos interpretaciones, una imagen
- Anne Sturm: Transformation of Text into Image? (Paul Celan’s Tenebrae as Poetry Film)
- Elisa Unkroth: La contrainte à l’oeuvre, le trompe-l’oeil en traduction – la réception de Georges Perec à la lumière des traductions et des adaptations de ses textes
- Petr Vurm: The Interactive Graphic Novel in the Light of New Technologies and New Media